These signs were made in the beginning of time, or rather when Mr Kennedy was Mr Ken Kennedy and used a regular microphone. Nowadays he has dropped the Ken-part and an old type of microphone drops down from the ceiling so I dont know if we will ever use them. I guess I could make an extension on the Ken-part but then again we just might makle completely new ones instead, if we ever decide to flag Kennedy-signs.

We met Mr Kennedy briefly in Finland in 2005, we did have the signs with us but we never got to show them. When my son, who was 12 years at the time, asked Mr Kennedy for an autograph in the hotel-lobby, Mr Kennedy replied, -Sorry, I dont have the time, and went into the bar again and had another beer. I guess they do need the little sparetime they get. We did bump into Mr Kennedy a few times more in the hotel but we decided not to ask again since we never have had any intention of disturbing any of the wrestlers. We do understand that they live a hectic life so a plain no is OK with us. The second Mr Kennedy-sign below came out a little better than the first one, at least I think so. Once again the problemarea is the face, or rather me drawing faces. This one is OK but the face came out a bit to "smiley" and thats not really Mr Kennedys expression.