This sign we made just before going to Barcelona this year and my son helped to fill in the colours at the hotel we stayed in at Arlanda airport the night before we left for Barcelona. So you could say its a last minute job. Beeing a giant (well close to!) we thought that the "Towering Inferno" (idea stolen from the old movie starring Steve McQueen of course) would be suitable for a sign and then adding Khalis silhouette as a final touch. Not to shabby, at least thats what we think! We do not know what Khali thinks thou. We did meet him at the Barcelona airport and the man was really huge but we never communicated with him, or rather, he never communicated with us. He was standing a mere few feets away from us so I took one step forward and asked him politely if I could take a photo of him and my son but he did not answer. As I was uncertain that if he really heard me, I got no reaction what so ever, I asked politely again, - Excuse me Mr Khali, would it be possible if I could take a photo of you and my son, we are really big wrestling fans? He turned his head and looked at me and the turned it again and kept ignoring me. I felt it was a good time to stop asking so I just took a quick step back. It would have been nice with a, -No thank you, but its OK with us anyway. We now they have a tight schedule and you cant always be on the top every day. We will keep the sign thou, one never knows, we might use it again.