We were not sure if we should show this sign or not, considering what Chris Benoit did to his family, and to himself. After much concideration we still thought that we should. At the time we made the sign Chris Benoit was still alive so what we wrote then we did mean. We still think that Chris benoit was a great wrestler and the two separate occations we met him at he was a real professional and really took time to sit down and chat with us. Below you will find a picture from our second meeting and some people say its scary to look at this picture. I dont know, at the time it was taken we were all pretty excited and it was about the best thing that ever had happened to my kids, and me. So we remember it for what it was then, whatever happened afterwards is another story but we are of course well aware of it as well and as everyone else we feel it was a dispiccable act.

The sign that we made and that Chris Benoit also has seen. He liked it, not much more to say than that the sign and the text
"Always a champ" is for what he did in the ring. In real life, at the end, that text does not apply!
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