Welcome to this new blog that will feature different wrestling signs designed by me, and I have designed a lot! It all started approximately five years ago when the WWE desided to have their first House-show in the northern hemisphere, namely Scandinavia and to pin-point it, Finland. I live in Sweden but I have been a wrestling-fan since I was a kid growing up in Scotland. Moving to Sweden, where wrestling at that time just did not exist, was a bit of a culture shock so I guess I held on to this somewhat strange and sometimes childish interest just because it was something that only I new about and could keep as my own. Now I am grown up, in most ways, I have my own kids and I have passed my interest for this strange sport over to my kids. Going to live-events with kids means that you have to produce signs and according to my kids, they have to be good! I have discovered that it has been a good way of spending quality time with the kids, you sit and chat whilst creating the signs and in general you have a good time. The kids have not done any of the signs, they have been busy with other artwork, scrapbooking, homework etc but you get to speak to them and you get them away from the computers. And, I should mention this as well, I really enjoy making the signs myself.
We have been to five live-events, the four first in Finland and the last one me and my son saw in Barcelona, Spain. Whilst in Spain and at the the show in the Badalona Basketball Arena we had great seats and some great signs as well. The show was sold out and the crowd was extatic so keeping order of the signs was impossible. We chose a few that we did think stood out and hoped for the best. Luckily enough we were noticed by some of the wrestlers, Rey Mysterio, Kane and Torrie Wilson. Our Torrie-sign was also photographed by one of the WWE-photographers and the picture was featured on the
http://www.wwe.com/. Here below you can see the picture with my son holding the sign and me to the right of him.

Coming back to Sweden we had a few requests to show all our signs so that is basically what I will do here. I will probably try to to publish pictures of 1-2 signs per week and also give a little background information about the sign and/or the wrestler featured on the sign. We would be more than happy if you took the time to leave comments and if you have any ideas for new signs, just write it down and there is a chance that I will make one since I do still make a couple a month. Some of the signs are good, some are maybe not, some are just text and some are drawn by me. Since the signmaking has been going on for a few years now some of the wrestlers featured on the signs are still competing today, some have retired, some have changed gimmicks since the signs were made and some have even left this earth. All of the signs are 64 x 46 centimeters except a few that are a bit smaller (the Torrie Wilson-sign is 46 x 22). We have also met quite a few of the wrestling Superstars that I do signs about in person. If anyone is interested you can always go to
http://macgregor.webblogg.se/wrestling to see photos from the actual meetings and also from the events we have attented. For your info the blog is in swedish and I have yet to write and publish photos about are last meetings in Spain.
So the first sign up is of course the Torrie Wilson
We flew in in from Sweden just to see Torrie Wilson-sign. The idea with this one, except for celebrating Torrie of course, is to make a bold statement. I mean, if you have actually flown in from Sweden to Spain "just" to see one of the persons in the WWE you should be noticed. And so we were! We also had the pleasure of meeting Ms Wilson at the airport and she was a charming and very friendly person and we thank her for taking the time to chat with us. A photo of her and my son will be posted on our blog (mentioned above) with text in swedish in the near future.