The first sign we brought along to Helsinki Finland the last time WWE were there. After the show we went back to the hotel and sat in the lobbybar. As Booker T whizzed in we frantically dug in our bag and got the sign up. Booker had then already gone into the elevator but as the elevators were made of glass he could see out. When the elevator started moving up he saw our sign held the thumb up and waved to us. We met Booker briefly the next morning, we did not have the sign out then but he stopped and signed autographs before he rushed in to the bus that was leaving for the airport. Its a big sign and I quite like the solution I came up with for his catchprase "5 time WCW-champion", the hand that shows five fingers and the text.

The second sign was made for Bookers wife Sharmell and is basically the same as the first sign. I just re-used the catchprase/hand but changed it to "5 star, 5 star diva". Not one of my masterpieces but it serves its purpose.

The last sign I made when Booker T changed his gimmick to King Booker. I meant to bring it along to Barcelona but since Booker changed brands from Smackdown to RAW it remained at home, where it probably will be staying for a long time. Here I like the crown as the background and the fonts from one of the Royal Rumble-logos which I changed to "Royal Humble" instead. The "Royal Humble" is also written with a silverpen that shines which is quite a good effect at a dark wrestling-event.
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