Another of our signs that has not been seen by any wrestlers and the explenation for that is that Chavo was not on the tour at the event we were going to. The thought with this sign is to emphasize Chavos relation with Eddy Guerrero who passed away. Eddy who was known as
Latino Heat was the more shining superstar so I wanted to point out that we still have Chavo and he keeps the heat up in the arenas as well. Maybe not one of my masterworks but the flames do look better than they do on my photo. Chavo was one of the first wrestlers me and my son met, at that time we did not have any signs, and he was an extremly nice and humble person, nothing like the loudmouth Chavo that is a part of his gimmick. It would be nice to see Chavo getting a real break in the WWE and a push up because we think he deserves it. Not only for his in-ring skills and acting but also for the way he treated us when we met him
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