Matt Hardy is one of our favorite wrestlers, if not the favorite, and we have had the fortunate luck to see him perform live four times. Needless to say a few signs have been made. The first one seen below was made at the time Matt Hardy just had been rehired by the WWE after the "Edge-Lita-Matt"-controversy. I can honestly not say why I had to draw Matts face because I am not very good att drawing faces as you can see (and will see again on other signs). Its a big sign and the thought is good, the text came out nice but overall it stinks a bit. After looking at it I decided to make a new one around that time (Edge etc) and that came out better. Its the one at the very bottom of this blog.

The next sign is our
The next Heavyweight-Champion of the World-sign and that was made in support for Matt Hardys intentions to go to the next level of superstardoom. Its also a large sign and it took days to make with all the doodling on the belt (which does not show to well on the photo). We brought it along to Barcelona and had it up but Matt never saw it, but some of the spanish crowd that we met were impressed and even asked to have their photograps taken with it. Needless to say we let them! We later met Matt at the airport but this sign was in the suitcase so we will just have to bring it along to the next event we go to and see if we cant get him to notice it there because we do think its a good one.

F#ck Edge-sign, made as the classic Stone Cold
F#ck fear-logo with the writing
Loyal MH-fans in the fonts used in Matts logo, I made after seeing how terrible the Matt Face-sign came out. Its a rather small sign, one of the smallest I have made, but still one of our favorites. It was made to show support for Matt in the Edge-story and its not that we hate Edge, we just like Matt! And Matt liked the sign which felt very rewarding! When we met him in Finland he got to see it.

Below you can see me, holding the sign with a ultra-cool Matt Hardy beside me pointing on the sign that he really did enjoy. We have met Matt Hardy three times and he has always been great to us every time. We know that we sometimes might be in the way or that we take up time that the superstars might want to do other things but Matt has never made us feel that way. He is always the prince of cool who really seems to appreciate his fans and we thank him for that.
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